American Classics
American Classics II
British Isles
British Isles 2
World English
Contemporary American
Poetical Variations
The School Bag
In the Village
David Daniels
Ina Coolbrith
A Garland of Poems
The World of Silence
A Bestiary
For Jazz
Mulla Nasrudin
Lord Emsworth and his Girlfriend
An English Odyssey of Homer
The Iliad - Logue
Leon Fernandez
Twas the Night Before Christmas
Emma Berman
Jack Ross Knutson
John Diestler
Leslie Reed
Susan Cooper
The Stuffed Owl
Linda's Dinnah
Steven Wright
Edward John
Our Man in Fez
Silence Have Mercy
Scott Dalgarno
Mark Novak
Abraham Joshua Heschel
Dancing Verse
Wayne Dwops
William Ernest Henley
Mother Goose
Lee Vogt
Capra Aegagrus Hircus