Wayne Dwops
There was a young man who stayed here
A cow who was bored with her barn
There were pale faced people whose plan
There is an old lobster who knows
While wondering whither to rove
A peach on the lam from a grove
When writing your history down
My last meal began with roast goose
This poem is all about you
Once all crowded into the ark
There was a coyote called Wile E.
There was an old man who did sums
Pooh Bear and Eeyore and Tigger
A man named Throckmorton Farquhar
There was an old person who let
When Abraham started his Jewry
There was an omnipotent god
When Brutus got home from the forum
A parrot, a clam and a flea
A parrot, a clam and a flea
For those who try walking on stilts
Should you have a flower that wilts
There was an old man and his horse
There was an old man in a castle
There was a young cook named Dan Quinner
A pair of bears who shared a square lair
A kangaroo wanting a queen
An old man who sat on a rock
A circle was drawn near a square
There was an old man who liked pie
There was an old man name of Wayne
There was a young person named Clyde
There was a swell cricket called Jiminy
C'etait un homme vieux que dit "Gee
I'll not write a poem today
There was a young man name of Destry
Someone has killed Edwin Drood
There was an old woman named Anne
An orange went out for a spin
There was a bad boy with no name
You know that bad boy from before?
That boy is still raising a stink
You ain't heard the end of that boy
There once was a yak in Tibet
A comet while making a joke
I came to my polar bear friend
There was an old man on the march
There was a young lion of France
The cow who jumped over the moon
The cow who jumped over the moon #2
A tiger consuming a pickle
Doc, Bashful, Sneezy and Happy
I once knew an old dromedary
I'm mad the wind broke my umbrella!
An old blue whale got into trouble
A beach at both ends of the street
The camel is a dromedary
It makes me feel good to be bad
There was a young hippo named Tina
There was an old man who was young
The dodo is now obsolete
My spine does a pretty good job
When man was the lord of the earth
A dragonfly came with the breeze
When simply a fart must come out
There was an old man with a lump. It
Nobody knew quite what it was
A pickpocket who was a poor picker
The End Of The World
Vocalist - Wayne Vargas
Poem Source: Hi Diddle-Dee-Dee, A Limericks Life For Me - Inner Child Press - 1956
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